What Do You Want?

Your intention, what you want, is at the core of every decision you make and every action you take. The law recognizes intention as the foundation of guilt or innocence. When people say they want to get to know you, they mean that they want to know what your intentions are.

In WDYW we explore what you want and how to inform and guide your intentions under your own control. Each week we’ll discuss what you want to do, to have, to experience, to believe in, to see, to hear, to find in a mate or life partner, and much more. Our success is measured by how well each post starts you thinking more effectively about your own intentions.

The other measure of success for WDYW is how much discussion, how much conversation we provoke from our readers. Our job is to pose the questions and suggest strategies for answering them. Our hope is to hear your answers and build a community that can proactively and productively discuss how to be more effective in evincing our intentions.

All WDYW Content is Free

When you take a free subscription to WDYW you will receive a new “What Do You Want….” in your email inbox every week. You can always visit whatdoyouwant.substack.com to read prior posts in the archive. You can also comment on any article, or send us messages in Substack Notes or Substack Chat.

If you find the content in WDYW to be truly valuable we hope you’ll choose to switch to a paid subscription at $5 per month or $50 per year. All content will always be available to any subscriber free or paid. Your paid subscription supports the expansion and extension of the value we can bring to What Do You Want? Like artists, musicians, and writers of old, we seek to develop a community of patrons who feel so strongly about our value proposition that they are glad to contribute.

Nobody will ever try to sell you anything here in WDYW. We’re all about providing real value and benefit to our readers. That’s it.

Join the WDYW Community

Everyone wants to have a great strategy for approaching and improving the quality of their lives. No one writer or person can provide all the answers, but much more becomes available as more people join the conversation and participate enthusiastically in helping each other. We hope you’ll choose to join us and become a vital part of the WDYW community.

Subscribe to What Do You Want?

Every experience and every action begins with the intention to do what you want to do, say, have, believe, and more. In "What Do You Want?" (WDYW) we explore how to go about asking that all-important first question, what do you want, and answer it!


A 40+ year business technologist, corporate executive, and senior "resultant" today I write for and about information technology and the IT channel.